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911TI has created expertly guided, super interactive experiences empowering you as a leader to grow personally in wellbeing and character as the foundation for your team's long-term success. 


...for Resilient Peak Performance!

Because the Challenge you face has never been greater...

Managers, directors and supervisors of emergency response agencies want their people to peak perform, share high morale, and stay on board for a long successful career in 9-1-1. Yet...

Our ECC leaders are fighting to help their teams win amidst increasingly tough conditions...

At one conference after the next these past few years, industry leaders from the U.S., Canada and other countries have shared their leadership challenges with each other and with our 911TI team of subject matter experts: increasing call volume, more high impact events tapping their center's resources, understaffing, worsening retention, good people with poor morale... You're expected to manage all this amidst the myriad other responsibilities on your leadership shoulders.  And you do! But how do you manage all this, and at what cost to you, personally and professionally? 


Emergency response leaders must be empowered to build strong relationships with their employees, strategically shape work conditions, policies, and resources to foster the resilience of all.  

911TI Leadership courses prepare you to strategically advance the wellbeing of your organization through the toughest times when we must find our solutions at the next level...


The 911TI team firmly supports core leadership training experiences provided by APCO (RCPL certificate program), NENA (CMCP) and the Fitch and Associates CCM certification. We don't attempt to compete with these general leadership preparation processes so valuable in providing young leaders with foundational insights and skills.

Our role as subject matter experts in psychological health is different: we equip leaders to face the thorniest ECC issues--the ones that keep you up at night. We help you to strategically advance the wellbeing of the organization--the human infrastructure upon which your success depends. Beginning by empowering yourself...

Your organization's Peak Performance is driven by Your Personhood as a leader! 

Truly successful leaders lead from the Inside Out. They shape their organization and the work life of their people by bringing their personhood to bear one day at a time. We define Personhood as the sum total of who you are as a person, comprised of your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual resilience, your character and your sense of meaning and purpose.

So our leadership curriculum begins there...

COURSE #1: Leading from the Inside Out™:
Practicing & Modeling Systematic Self-Care

A 911 organization's ability to peak perform through hardship is driven not only by competence but by the shared mental, emotional, physical and spiritual resilience of its people, We call that Resilience-Driven Peak Performance, and it begins with Self-Care.

But when most folks speak of "self-care", they mean making a basic effort to get good exercise, nutrition, sleep and practice "life balance". That in itself is a challenge for 911 Professionals. And because they face epidemic levels of PTSD, depression, and metabolic syndrome (the precursor to chronic diseases), they need far more than a casual approach to self-care practiced by regular humans.



Leadership Resilience is the first component of an agency's success. We recognize resilience as the leader's "...capacity or ability to prepare for, recover from and adapt in the face of stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy" (Source: Hearthmath Institute, 2012-2024.)

Your personnel need to adopt "Systematic Self-Care", a step-by-step method of evaluating and improving their personal practice of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual self care to uphold the core of their personhood. But here's the catch: they won't invest in such a critical undertaking unless you as their leader embrace systematic self care yourself. (If you already are, congratulations. Move on to Class #2 below:). And let's face it: as directors, managers and supervisors, your job stress is no less than your employees', it's just different, and far less recognized!  

That's why our first leadership workshop focuses on the inside of the leader. It's a rare opportunity empowering you to invest in yourself for the sake of all. 
You'll join your colleagues traveling through the eight step First Responder's Self-Care System™. And you'll walk away with greater self-attunement, vision for personal development, and your own Self-Care Plan. Do it for yourself, your family, your team, and your organization.

COURSE #2: Building Your Agency's Comprehensive Stress Resilience Plan (CSRP)™ 

It's been said "failing to plan is planning to fail." In the United States, in part by learning from preventable failures, our emergency response agencies invest in an exacting, ever-evolving science of systematic analysis, planning and preparation to achieve optimal response to predictable manmade and natural disasters: hurricanes, earth quakes, floods, active shooters, planned school attacks, and more. Such planning is driven by our collective conscience calling us to do our very best. These plans are brought to life in real-time through the deep commitment of our first responders in accord with their sense of duty to serve and safeguard the lives of our citizens. They, and all of us as stakeholders know that their imperil their physical lives to do so. Yet, we do not reckon with the psychological dangers they face as fallout from such service.

Consider this: the mind of the responder is conditioned to place their total focus on serving others, which calls for a disregard for their personal danger in doing so.  So then, also by conditioning, first responders are not mentally inclined to reflect on and prepare for the personal impacts of their repeated exposures to potentially traumatic experiences on scene. Thus they are at high risk, fully exposed and underprotected.


PRINCIPLE: The resources we provide to our responders must meet our exceed the mental and physical demands we place on them. Failure to do so will certainly result in personal and organizational damage. 

So, it is the duty of our citizens (through our government agencies) to help protect them as they strive to protect us! This will require us to change our minds, to overcome our own conditioning. We are surely grateful for our responders' service during our emergencies. We rightly see and laud them for their strength and courage.

Yet, this view is dangerously limited: we are seeing them only as they exist in their professionals roles, as impervious action figures, rather than as people in continuous line-of-duty psychological peril threatening their personal lives and wellbeing.

It is not due to intentional neglect that we as citizens, our government agencies and leaders have fallen short in systematically  evaluate, plan, and prepare our responders to design and implement Comprehensive Stress Resilience Programs (CSRP) for our agencies. We simply have not recognized that such CSRPs must be a top priority legislated, funded, and integrated into all agencies' long-term and annual business plans.  

CSRPs are essential to assure delivery of mental health resources empowering our first responders to prevent and intervene in PTSD, depression, family disintegration, and suicidality--all of which can result from their work exposures. After all: failing to plan is planning to fail indeed. That's why 911TI has created a unique preparation experience equipping leaders to champion develop of their agency's CSRP. 

In this course... 

You'll create your own Executive Workbook guiding your agency's development of its Comprehensive Stress Resilience Plan. The work begins by discovering the key agency resources known to uphold responder resilience as called for in the national Standard to Protect the Wellbeing of 911 Professionals. Then through roundtable discussion with your colleagues, you'll identify your agency's status in delivering each of these resources, the obstacles in the way, set your priorities, and plan your next action steps to build your CSRP.  Some agencies are highly advanced in this work, others have yet to begin. No matter where you're at in the effort, we've got the experts and tools to help you get to the next level! 

COURSE #3: Character-Driven Leadership Fostering Organizational Wellbeing


With confidence in your core resilience and mental health as a leader, you can accelerate your Character Growth--the other chief component of your agency's success. (Harvard Business Review, 2023.) 

This course experience is based on extensive research identifying key elements of leadership character and integrity shown to drive organizational success. You will gain a clear understanding of each character element. Then, through roundtable discussion of case studies, you will discover how these are brought to bear on your relationships with your personnel, and their performance.   

Each participant will then define the top areas of character development they wish to pursue, and define steps to achieve it.  

Now that you know what 911TI's leadership courses are all about, contact us today to learn more!

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